GeekDrop is a family friendly forum where everyone is welcome to come share their computer knowledge, make new friends or to just say hello! From the novice to the expert everyone is welcome!

Come on over and meet the sexy Stardogg, Smartmom need we say more and the very cool Miss B and the rest of the GeekDrop family!

If you have a computer issue, need technical help, have software or hardware problems, need html advice or advice of any kind come on over to GeekDrop, we can help!

Aside from all that, we have awesome reads ranging from learning how to surf the net to news from around the world. Our members are friendly, helpful and ready to welcome you into the GeekDrop family.

It's people just like you that's helped GeekDrop become the rockin site it is now and the staff can't wait to have you join!

So now that you know a little about us, all you've got to do is Drop in, Geek out , and have a blast!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

VLC Will Have Video Editing Software Soon

Well this is pretty exciting news!!! Yes there are other free video editing software out there but most of it falls short. If your familiar with VLC they you already know they offer a great media player. I personally use it and love it. VLC not only works on windows but also Linux and Mac OS X. If it still doesn't ring a bell maybe the icon will......

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Start Your New Year Off Clean With Clean Gadgets

If your like most you start off the year doing some simple little changes like changing your batteries in your smoke detectors (I hope your doing that). Well you should also make it a habit of also cleaning your gadgets around the house. Not only will it make them look better but they will work better.

Supplies to clean your electronic gadgets include :-

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Power On Password

Can anyone help me? I acquired an old PC and it has a power on password. Is there a way I can bypass this without removing the battery?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shortcuts For Windows 7

With Windows 7 comes lots of great new features. Kudos to Microsoft for really thinking them out because they knocked it out of the ball park. So with all the new features comes new keyboard shortcuts to quick launch the shortcuts. Here is a guide to the shortcuts on a keyboard:

  • Win+Home: Clear all but the active window.
  • Win+Space: All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop.
  • Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window.
  • Shift+Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window vertically.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Do A Disk Cleanup And Defragmenter On Vista

Since I'm in the process of cleaning up some space on my computer I though I would do a little tutoral on how to do a disk cleanup and defrag your computer while in Vista. It really is quite easy and it can help speed along your computer.................................

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Instant Map To An Address In Mac Address Book

Most of us have contacts in our Mac Address Book with the home address or business address of the contact filled out. If you want to get an instant map to any address this is what you do.............

How to instant map to an address in a mac address book

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Is Your Internet Speed?

Currently the US ranks 28th in the world for internet speed. In my opinion that is horrible. As advanced of a nation that we are to be ranking 28th is appalling. Right now the fastest country is South Korea with download speeds of 20.4 megabits per second (mbps). They are followed by Japan at 15.8 mbps, then Sweden at 12.8 mbps and the Netherlands at 11.0 mbps. What is the average speed for the US a pitiful 5.1 mbps as reported by yahoo.

So I thought this would be fun lets test to see what our different speeds are - where do we rank? How do you test your speed well you can do it at ...........................