GeekDrop is a family friendly forum where everyone is welcome to come share their computer knowledge, make new friends or to just say hello! From the novice to the expert everyone is welcome!

Come on over and meet the sexy Stardogg, Smartmom need we say more and the very cool Miss B and the rest of the GeekDrop family!

If you have a computer issue, need technical help, have software or hardware problems, need html advice or advice of any kind come on over to GeekDrop, we can help!

Aside from all that, we have awesome reads ranging from learning how to surf the net to news from around the world. Our members are friendly, helpful and ready to welcome you into the GeekDrop family.

It's people just like you that's helped GeekDrop become the rockin site it is now and the staff can't wait to have you join!

So now that you know a little about us, all you've got to do is Drop in, Geek out , and have a blast!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Validate Fonts On A Mac

When fonts go bad or corrupt on your Mac they can cause all sorts of problems like shutting down your graphics program when you select that particular font.

All Mac's come equipped with an application called........... Find Out

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Syncing Mac Address Book With Google/Yahoo Contacts

This is a new feature in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and now you can sync your Mac Address Book contacts to your Google or Yahoo Account, virtually eliminating the need to purchase Mobile Me.

To set this up............To Find Out How Click HERE

Monday, March 29, 2010

Nook wallpaper size?

Does anyone know the right size to make the wallpaper on a Nook? ..............................Find Out How HERE

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Google Is Broken (Picture)

Ok this picture made me laugh. See not only can we have bad internet days but .............
......Find Out Who HERE

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Volume Not Working on Laptop

My volume in not working on the laptop, in particular youtube videos, any ideas? ..............
........Find Out HERE

Friday, March 26, 2010

Caution Before Upgrading To uTorrent 2.0

If you use uTorrent then before you upgrade to the new version 2.0 you might want to check with your........ Find Out What HERE

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fluid -Turn your favorite websites into Mac desktop applications

Web applications like Gmail, Facebook, Campfire and Pandora are becoming more and more like desktop applications every day. Running each of these web apps in an individual tab in your browser can be a real pain.

Fluid lets you create a Site Specific Browser (SSB) out of any website or..............Find Out How This Application Works HERE

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How do I delete a facebook Application?

Does anyone know how to remove facebook applications since the latest changes? .... Find Out How -HERE-

GeekDrop Where Everything Techie Happens

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Facebook Outdoes Google ?

Can it be possible that Facebook actually has more traffic than Google? According to...... Find Out Who -HERE-

GeekDrop Where Everything Techie Happens

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tiger Text - Cover Your Tracks

Seriously, what's next? Here's an app that will cover your dirty little tracks, the tracks that got Tiger caught. It is currently available for ........ Find Out Where -HERE-

GeekDrop Where Everything Techie Happens

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to Convert AVI, Xvid or DivX to DVD to watch on a DVD Player

I'd like to convert a few avi files to formats that I can burn to dvd and ........ Find Out How -HERE-

GeekDrop Where Everything Techie Happens

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How To Install Memory (RAM) In A Laptop

The other day I upgraded my laptop with more memory (RAM). I thought perfect opportunity to make a video and to show how easy it really is to do, very little skill needed.

First, prior to purchasing any memory you need....... Find Out What You Need -HERE-

GeekDrop Where Everything Techie Happens

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How To Clone A Hard Drive

If your replacing your main Hard drive or you simply want to back the whole thing up you can and its pretty easy to do. So what is cloning a hard drive? That is simply making a total copy of it onto another hard drive (for a back up). So why can't you just simply...................... Find the answer - HERE -