GeekDrop is a family friendly forum where everyone is welcome to come share their computer knowledge, make new friends or to just say hello! From the novice to the expert everyone is welcome!

Come on over and meet the sexy Stardogg, Smartmom need we say more and the very cool Miss B and the rest of the GeekDrop family!

If you have a computer issue, need technical help, have software or hardware problems, need html advice or advice of any kind come on over to GeekDrop, we can help!

Aside from all that, we have awesome reads ranging from learning how to surf the net to news from around the world. Our members are friendly, helpful and ready to welcome you into the GeekDrop family.

It's people just like you that's helped GeekDrop become the rockin site it is now and the staff can't wait to have you join!

So now that you know a little about us, all you've got to do is Drop in, Geek out , and have a blast!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New FaceBook Virus Alert

There's a new FaceBook virus going around .... It's actually a "Phish", which means you are baited into going to a false page that looks just like the FaceBook login page, where unsuspecting people may think they've somehow been logged out of FaceBook and re-enter their login and password. Once they do, the "phishermen" log and save your login information, and use your profile however they want.

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